Title: The Hush of Dark Wings, Winter Knight, Hunting Ground, When the Cold Wind Blows
Author: Charles L. Grant
Series: Black Oak Investigations
Number: Two through five
What It’s About:
Black Oak Security is a crack team of private investigators led by brilliant, enigmatic Ethan Proctor. He takes on cases that range from the normal to the unaccountably bizarre. The series, of course, focuses on the latter and not the former.
Why I like It and You Should Read It
As I noted with Christopher Golden’s Shadow Saga, if you liked Black Oak: Genesis, then you will like the four other titles in the series. My personal favorites are probably books two and four, but they won’t make sense if you don’t read book one. These are definitely stories that build in conjunction with each other.
Where You Can Get Them:
Crossroad Press has brought back all five of the original novels in digital format and you can find them at the links below. (Unfortunately, if you want a paperback edition, you’re going to dig up some used editions from somewhere as they are out of print in that format.)